Thursday, January 20, 2011

If Your Looking Into College

If your next big step in life is college and you don't know what you want to do or where you want to go then I think you ought to check out College Plus. If you fill out the form they will send you a free packet telling you all about their program.

I just enrolled and plan on getting my Bachelors in General Management in just 2 years, and for a fraction of the cost compared to actually going to a college.

The way this works is by getting your first 90 college hours through CLEP exams.  When you pass a CLEP you get the same college credit that you would get if you went to take the course.  The difference is you're able to do it in less time and at a fraction of the cost of actually taking the class.  It also provides flexibility in your schedule since you work at your own pace and during the times that are best for you!!

NOW, you might be thinking that it really isn't all that much cheaper.  On average a student who goes to a private college will spend about $107,000 for their 4-year degree. If they go to a public college they would spend on average $41,000. Now doing it with College Plus a student will generally spend $10,000 to $15,000 and be able to get their degree in half the time.

So I would highly recommend that you at least check it out here.

If you do decide to enroll please use the tell a friend code 7639. It will give you a discount and also help me. :)

I will also be placing the link on my side bar.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


This is my first attempt at trying to get the movement of the stars. I am no sure how long this exposure is but long enough to get quite a bit of movement. 

You will have to excuse the fake color of the sky and the lack of stars. Being in the city is not the greatest for these types of shot. (from what I have read anyway)

Friday, January 7, 2011


So I couldn't really come up with a title  for this post, but at least I am posting....... :)