So a little bit about the camera, it's a Canon AE - 1 Program. I have 2 lenses (a 50mm like seen above and a 150mm lens) both manual focus and no zooming capabilities. There are NO automatic thing on the camera, after taking a pic you have to flip a lever to spin the film to the next frame. You have to chose what aperture to use manually, there is no built in light meter. I am still figuring out the shutter speed stuff but I am sure it will come to me soon enough.
So stay tuned for some film pics in the next week or so. :D
4 thoughts:
The picture isn't showing up! :-(
I think you got the wrong HTML. ;)
Do you have any idea where I could get an old film camera like that, besides ebay? I sometimes like how I can manipulate a film camera better than my DSLR (at least until I learn it better), and have been looking for one for about a year but to no avail!
@Nellie I don't know about an "old" film camera but nikon still makes a film camera.
Nikon F6:
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