Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Sunrise!

Yes! I actually woke up early enough to get a sunrise picture... *gasp* Really that's the only reason I woke up at 6:15, was to go and take pictures of the sunrise. I drove to a park, got there before there was even a sliver of sun light. Found a good spot, got setup ( get the tripod out, set it up, contemplate on which lens I want to use, 10 minutes later put the winning lens on, decide what part of the horizon I want to shoot. etc, etc,etc.), low and behold there is some light creeping over the tops of the trees and I look out at the sky and just about started crying!!!! THERE WASN'T ONE SINGLE CLOUD IN THE SKY!!!!!!!!!!!! I woke up HOURS earlier than usual, stood around in the cold for an hour and there isn't a single cloud!!! *epic fail >:-[}* So I pack back up run to the car and start driving! I finally found an OK picture..... by all means not what I was wanting. :(

What do y'all think??

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Flowers are a great thing to take pictures of, they stay still and so colorful.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Sea of Clouds

As you can probably tell, I like to shoot the sky. :D

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Hungry Squirrel

I heard this little fella makin some weird noise and when I found 'em, I noticed he was eatin somethin, and I don't know why I am talkin like a country boy (droppin ma g's and such) I guess I'm just in tha mood for it. lol! :P Anyway this little guy was staying completely still when he saw me and I was quite amazed how long he stayed there with me watching him.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wonderful Sunset

I know, it's not a very good sunset but it's the best I could do for living in suburbia. lol


I really like this one except for the power lines and the pole.

A Lone Cloud

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Bug in the Sun

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time for Fall Decorations!!

Yes! I do believe it is really, truly, positively here. Yes, I know the calendar said it has been here for awhile now, but the weather is finally starting to show it! I am so happy!!! I can't wait until it gets pretty cold outside! :)


If you look closely this is actually a female squirrel that is nursing. You can tell because right under her hands there are like 4 little circular areas that are a bit darker then the white hair. Where the babies were, I have no clue.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beautiful Sky+Night Time= VERY Hard Shot

Here is the thing about this shot, I took it Monday night at about 6:30/7 o'clock PM so it was almost complete dark outside. After spending about 20 to 30 minutes at the park being mercilessly attacked by mosquitoes I finally got ONE picture out of like 20 that was worth editing.
So a little bit about this photo. The shutter speed is at 30 seconds and I did not have a tripod with me so I made a make-shift one using a park bench and one of the shoes I was wearing. LOL

Monday, October 19, 2009

Playing Outside!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Little Bitty Leaves

I took this the other day when it was raining and there is a spot in the backyard that kind of floods, it also collect what ever these little leaf things are. I loved how the leaves in the water kind of add another dimension to the photo.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Oh, as y'all can see it is I have chosen to use "Zac Snaps"

Monday, October 12, 2009

1 photo, 3 different versions

The original

Edited with Black and White

Edited with Sepia

Water Droplets

Saturday, October 10, 2009


As some of y'all know I am changing the name, well Kristen suggested I let y'all have some input on this.

So please if you have a good name suggestion tell me. I am wanting to keep it kind of professional because I want to turn this into a business in the next year or so.

Also tell me what you think of:

Zac Foreman Photography

Frozen by Zac

(these are Kristen's suggestions)

Zac Snaps

Shot by Zac


Friday, October 9, 2009

Classical Cat

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Changing the name

So I was on the web the other day and found ANOTHER "Photos by Zac" and it was copyrighted. :( So I am changing the name of my blog. I will probably change the URL in a few weeks but for now I just changed the header and title.

I will do another post when I am going to change the URL. I am just giving y'all a heads up. :)

Anyway as you can see I have/will be changing the name to "Zac Foreman Photography." I think it sound and looks a lot more professional. I actually like it better than photos by zac. xD

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wonderful Light

I love this photo. For some reason I just love taking picture of the clouds, it just reminds me that God who "painted" this cares for even the smallest of creatures.
I love how the light kind of makes the edges of the cloud glow and that you can see the rays of sun reaching out of the cloud.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Using the rule of thirds

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Railroad tracks